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Yankee Auction

An auction style where multiple buyers win portions of the goods based on their bid quantities, ideal for bulk scrap or surplus sales.

How It Works: Multiple buyers bid on portions of goods, with each buyer securing a share based on their bid quantity. The auction continues until all available units are allocated.

Benefits From us:

  • Bulk Sale Convenience: Sellers easily distribute large lots to a number of buyers.

  • Convenient Option: Enables buyers to place an order for partial quantities according to their requirements.

  • Scalable Auctions: Manage small as well as large-scale sales with equal ease.

  • High Bidder Participation: Individuals and businesses compete directly for shares of the products, increasing participation.

  • Best suited for industries that handle high volumes of scrap or overstocked merchandise.

If a company has large quantities of Scrap Materials like Steel Scrap or Waste Materials, a Yankee Auction is an ideal option. Multiple buyers can bid on portions of the lot, securing their share based on the bid quantity. For example, a business selling Bulk Scrap can allow different buyers to win smaller portions based on their bids.

At Salasar Auction, we facilitate Yankee Auctions for Surplus Materials Bidding, helping businesses sell Industrial Scrap and other assets efficiently while accommodating multiple buyers for large quantities of goods.

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